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Junior Chamber International, commonly referred to as JCI, is a non-profit International non- governmental organisation of young people between 18 to 40 years. It has members in about 124 countries, and regional or national organisations in most of them. JCI India is a voluntary organisation membership based NGO working in India since 1949 for developing the leadership skills of young men and women of this country. JCI India is the Second largest Member Nation of Junior Chamber International. Currently we are active in more than 26 states and union territories across India.

MAIC proudly announces the inception OF JCI RAIPUR MAIC UNITED under the aegis of JCI RAIPUR VAMA CAPITAL in the session 2020-2021.This New chapter has been started with a vision to create a global network of leading young active citizen students who show their strong interest in the flagship program of MAIC.

JCI RAIPUR MAC UNITED will inculcate leadership skills and will offer dynamic training sessions and projects that will provide opportunities to learn, achieve and inspire active citizenship among them.

JCI Vision - To be the four most global network of young leaders.

JCI Mission - To provide leadership development opportunities that empower young people to create positive changes.

JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United
JCI Raipur MAIC United